Lowestoft Flood Defences

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Construction has started on new flood defences in Lowestoft. The first phase of work will see tidal flood walls and a tidal barrier offering essential flood protection to 1,500 homes and 825 businesses.

This project will significantly reduce the probability of tidal flooding in Lowestoft, giving much-needed protection to homes and businesses.

Its two main aims are to protect existing homes and businesses from flooding in the Lowestoft Harbour/Lake Lothing area, and to enable investment and economic growth in the area by protecting existing jobs and providing new employment opportunities.



Construct reinforced and extended flood walls on the north and south sides of the entrance to the inner harbour at Lowestoft which will tie into high ground or existing defences.


Lowestoft Flood Defences




– Support 22,400 jobs
– £694m GVA pa
– Safeguards 402 households
– Safeguards 319 no residential properties
– Provide a minimum standard of protection of 1/200 probability of tidal flooding to residential and commercial areas of Lowestoft

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